So this morning I got out of the shower and found a
tick on my thigh! I never had a tick before, and if you haven't had one, I don't recommend it. It didn't hurt (well, it hurt slightly when Chase was killing it), but it was gross. I had to have Chase remove it for me because (a) I couldn't really get to it myself, (b) I don't know how to remove ticks, and (c) it grossed me out too much. Thankfully, my husband saved me from
Lyme disease.
In other news, I had my 6 week post baby checkup this morning. It'll be nice not to have any doctors up in my business for a year, that is unless another R2 comes along before then... (Hopefully we'll have a bit of a break before that happens, but if it does, it does.)
I remember one time when I was little I had been playing outside and I came in to help my mom make chocolate chip cookies. I noticed there was a piece of chocolate on my arm and tried to lick it off. It didn't come off very easily. Upon further inspection. IT WAS A TICK! YUCK! needless to say, I check things out a little better before randomly licking my arm!:)
hey how did chase kill it? hopefully it was off of you before he did.
Shannon- Ewwww!
Nathan- First he tried putting alcohol on a cotton ball or something and smothering it out, but that didn't work. So he lit a match, blew it out and touched the hot tip to the tick. That killed it and Chase pulled it out with tweezers.
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