Hooray! We have interweb at our new place! But alas, no baby yet... Here are a couple pictures of R2's room to tide you over until he makes his big appearance:
Here you see R2's crib (which will later convert into a toddler bed and then a full-sized bed) with some awesome animal bedding that Chase picked out. (Thanks to my parents for buying both!) That thing hanging on the wall is really a window valance, but I just tacked it to the wall.
And here is the other half of the room. The animals on the wall come off and are reusable. R2's chest is filled with clothes and such that should last him a good 6-9 months. He has LOTS of clothes. (A major benefit to finding out the gender before your baby is born: you get lots of baby clothes!)
R2 also has a nice view from his window. There are some trees and animals that come into the back yard. Behind that is a big field and then a nursing home. I like to imagine that in the summertime we'll be able to look out the window and see the old folks roaming about in the field... Okay, maybe not because that would mean they escaped from the nursing home, but it's still a fun thing to imagine...
Oh, I love what you've done with R2's room! It looks so cute. Now you just need a baby boy to put in it!
I think it will be humorous (not for you) if R2 goes past his due date. But for your sake, I hope that doesn't come true.
Let's hope Baby Abner is born on April 30th... that is my birthday... That is only if you can hold out until Wednesday, of course.
My goodness, those curtains look masterfully installed!
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