Monday, October 31, 2005

Hooray! It's Halloween!

Every Halloween costume idea I had would involve me having to make said costume... and by make, I mean sew... Since I am sans sewing machine (not to mention sans sewing machine skills), I was disappointed that I wasn't going to have a sweet costume (insert frown-e face here). I mean, I could have just bought a costume, but that would be kinda lame and too expensive if I wanted it to look cool. After being all disappointed and such, I then realized that I had nowhere that I would even wear the costume, so that brought on a whole new disappoitment... I gave up on the whole idea of even having a costume this year, which made me sad because it would be the first year in my entire life that I did not dress up for Halloween! (Here is where I cry.)

But then I found out my friends Mikey & Eric's improv comedy troupe, Community Floss, was doing a Halloween show! If you were in costume, it was $1 off! Yippee! I had a reason to dress up! But I had no costume! (Oh Nooooo!)

So I went with the tried-and-true ninja mask out of a t-shirt costume. The show was this past Thursday. It was probably their weakest show I've seen so far, but it was still fun. Tonite I will again be dressing as a ninja for a Halloween video scavenger hunt.

And now, How to Make a Ninja Mask out of a T-Shirt:

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