Saturday, April 16, 2011


This morning we took the boys to the circus, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth, actually. (Well, I wouldn't call it the greatest show on earth...) Their one ring show came to town this weekend. If you have tickets to a show, you can go an hour early for the pre-show and get some close-up entertainment and meet some of the performers & animals. The boys enjoyed the pre-show better than the actual show, but some of that had to do with substituting lots of snacks for lunch and pushing naptime for the show. One of the performers helped Simon do a tightrope walk, but unfortunately I missed it because I was sitting on the ring with Jonas watching the elephant (his favorite) at the time. BUT Chase did get it on video on his iPod. If he posts it, I'll link to it.

So here's what you really want... pictures!

Simon's circus excitement while we wait to go in

Jonas with me at the pre-show


Simon doesn't understand what it means to "line up"

Suzie the elephant

We weren't sure if Simon understood that we were going to watch the circus and not be a part of the circus when we left the house, but he seemed to do pretty well. He practices his "circus tricks" at home with Daddy!

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