Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rest Assured

You all can now rest assured now because I do not have gestational sugarbetes. Originally, I was supposed to have that dreaded test last week, but a giant ice storm postponed it. My appointment was moved to yesterday. I had to drink this syrupy stuff that tasted like orange Triaminic. That part wasn't bad at all even though this other lady who was there for the same test was acting like it was the worst thing she ever tasted. I mean, when I was little, I really liked taking that medicine!

Anyway, the whole drinking the syrupy stuff wasn't bad; it was the drawing my blood part that I dreaded. It's not so much the pain that bothers me as it is the whole idea of a needle going through my skin and poking a hole in my vein. Blek! It's just so gross! I usually get really nauseous, occasionally throw up, and either pass out or come very close to passing out. They have to lay me down to even attempt to stick a needle in me. So, I told the nurse I don't want her to tell me what's going on- to just do it. I find it's the worst when they tell me what they're doing. I have to look the other way and have someone distract me. The nurse says OK and then starts telling me what she's doing!!! She was talking about my veins rolling and whatnot. Oh, it was awful! And on top of that, it really really hurt!

So if I would have failed that test, I would have to come back for another one where they'd draw my blood multiple times over three hours or something. Thankfully, my test came back negative the first time. Hooray!

My doc said that Baby R2 is, or was at the time, positioned head down at a slant. That's good to know so I can tell which part of me is being punched and which part is being kicked. He does both, ya know. Also, I'll have another ultrasound in two weeks.

So that's the latest news on Baby R2, the next American Gladiator. (If you don't like that show, you're unpatriotic and possibly a terrorist.)


B. Kyle said...

I'm not sure that robotic-sounding babies are allowed to be Gladiators...

However, the show might be prime for another retro-comeback by the time he's more adult-like and writers go on strike again!

Unknown said...

I must not be very patriotic...